The campaign which have been done by Perkumpulan Darma Lakasan are the distribution of Prayer Card to raise people’s awareness on environmental problems, seminar and workshop on global warming and sustainable environment, distribution of ‘Save Energy’ and ‘Save Water’ stickers to keep reminding people how they have to conserve the resources. Perkumpulan Darma Laksana also holds short film-making competition with the theme of ‘Preserving the Environment’ for Carmelite senior high school students in Indonesia to increase their awareness of the need to preserve the environment.

Perkumpulan Darma Laksana in collaboration with educational institutions holds workshops on the curriculum and methodology of environmental education. The aim of this program is to provide knowledge to principals andteachers to develop an integrated environmental education in the curriculum of various subjects.

Perkumpulan Darma Laksana in cooperation with various institutions, schools and communities preserve theenvironment by planting trees. Perkumpulan Darma Laksana also hosts workshops on organic agriculture for various communities. Some of the workshop themes are compost fertilizer making, organic sugarcane liquid fertilizer, organic pesticides and environmental friendly planting system.

Being supported by some local donors, the Indonesian Carmelite NGO has just converted a social center in Nangkajajar, Pasuruan, Indonesia, into a Laudato Si’ Center, a place where people can reflect, learn, study and research on the relationship between human being and nature, either from spiritual, cultural, environmental, educational point of view. The center will offer some activities: celebration creation through seasonal liturgies, devotions, prayer services, and other activities and events, seminars and conferences on climate change,recollections and retreats on the message of Laudato Si’, workshops on Laudato Si’ curriculum, construction of ecological community/team, promotion of ecological friendly energy (solar cell energy), promotion of sustainable community (alternative farming and fishery system), creation and production of environmentally friendly cleaning products, etc.