

Cooking Class

Cooking Class

May 5, 2015
On May 1, 2015 Perkumpulan Darma Laksana held a cooking class for women living in the surrounding area of the crater of Mount Merapi. Mount Merapi after its eruption became a tourist destination. A lot of local and international tourist were attracted to come to see the beauty of the scenery and the crater of […]
Free Health Service

Free Health Service

April 13, 2015
On April 5, 2015 Perkumpulan Darma Laksana held a free medication for the poor people living in Gempol, Sukun, Malang. Gempol Sukun was a project area of Carmelite justice and peace commission since 1970s. The Carmelites built small houses for the homeless people who were taken there from the city of Malang. After several years […]
A Workshop on Inter-religious Dialog

A Workshop on Inter-religious Dialog

March 10, 2015
On March 5, 2015 Perkumpulan Darma Laksana held a workshop on inter-religious dialog for students of St. Albert Carmelite Senior High School Malang in Batu. There were 30 students who participated in the workshop. The two day program was done informally and in the spirit of dialog. All participants were asked to share their experience […]
A New Study House in Kuburaya – Pontianak

A New Study House in Kuburaya – Pontianak

February 7, 2015
On February 2, 2015 Perkumpulan Darma Laksana opened a new study house in Kuburaya, Pontianak. It was the fourth study house, the three ones were in Malang. The study house was named the House of Mercy. Sr. Magdalena Paula SKYB was the coordinator of the house. The house functioned not only as a study house […]
Disaster Relief

Disaster Relief

February 26, 2014
On February 24, 2014 Perkumpulan Darma Laksana in cooperation with the Legioner of Mary went to the area affected by the eruption of Mount Kelud. The area suffered really bad due to the hot stones from the crater of Mount Kelud fell on their houses and burn some of them. Moreover, the bridge which was […]
Outdoor Activities

Outdoor Activities

May 17, 2013
On May 12, 2013 Perkumpulan Darma Laksana took the students of the study house of Beato Angelo Paoli and the students of the study house of Mother Teresa to meet in the field of LPK Wagir to do outdoor activities together. In that program the students were introduced to the nature and taught how they […]
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